6/27/2013 11:20 AM Update

Lyla had an eye exam and they said that she looks good but they want to reevaluate her in a couple weeks.

She is at 2.5 liters per minute on her air flow and at 26% oxygen right now! Praise God! She seems to be doing great! The nurse said she will probably be moved to the pod where we can spend the night, hold her more, etc within 2 weeks!

Today is Lyla’s 6 week birthday! Happy Birthday Lyla!!!

She is just chillin in her big girl clothes now…


6/23/2013 10:30 AM Update

They are working on lowering Lyla’s air. She is at 3.5 liters per minute on the flow and in the 20s on her %oxygen, you and i breathe 21%, and seems to be doing great!

They have completely cleared her of her urinary tract infection!

They are also trying to start weening her off of her isolete, which is what regulates her body temperature, and she seems to be doing really well!!

Thank you for praying for her!


6/20/2013 8:50 AM Update

Yesterday was Lyla’s last day on antibiotics for her urinary tract infection. They did an ultrasound on her kidneys to make sure they are working properly and that wasn’t the cause of her infection. They informed us last night that her kidneys are working great! Thank you so much for her prayers!

Lyla is 3lb 2oz now!! She is getting huge!


6/17/2013 9:25 PM Update

Grace and I just got back from the hospital and Grace got to do Kangaroo Care tonight.  I got to do it last night for Father’s Day.  Also Lyla got to wear her first outfit tonight and she looked really cute!  You can see some of the pictures below.  They have started to allow us to hold her everyday now, so that is awesome!

They said that the doctor said he didn’t feel the need to do another head ultrasound until she is pretty much ready to leave and even that is not for sure.  The reason she said was because she didn’t show signs of bleeding and she is doing great so they don’t think its necessary, Praise God!  She is slowly but surely coming back down on her oxygen.


6/17/2013 9:10 AM Update

Last evening Grace and I were at the hospital and found out they did the ultrasound! Shortly after the nurse practitioner came in to talk to us about it. The news was good/confusing. They said that two different doctors looked at it and one said she was a Level 1 and the other said there wasn’t any evidence of hemorrhaging but that her ventricle seemed large though it was still in the normal range. Confused? Us too. But overall they seemed to think she is ok, though they might do another ultrasound in a little while to check on her again.

Good news is her bleeding hasn’t progressed and the doctors seem to think she is doing ok! Thank you for your prayers to this point and in advance for your future prayers for Lyla.

Yesterday was a great first Fathers Day for me! I got to hold my beautiful daughter!!


6/16/2013 6:30 PM Update

We think they are going to do her head ultrasound tomorrow. I don’t think they do them on the weekends unless absolutely necessary. So please keep praying for that!

Today is a big day! Obviously my first Father’s Day, but also Lyla is one month old! Praise Jesus! Check out the card she made me without any help at all…ok…maybe the nurse helped her, but just a little bit!


6/14/2013 6:00 PM Update

Grace and I left the hospital a little while ago and as of then they had not done Lyla’s head ultrasound yet. We don’t know when they will do it, it could be tomorrow. Ill let you know something when we find out. Thanks for your continued prayers!

6/13/2013 2:15 PM Update

Last night the increased oxygen seemed to help and they pretty much ruled out an infection. They went ahead and screened her for an infection which included an IV in her head so they could draw blood.

Today they were confident it wasn’t an infection so they took the IV out of her head. They later found out she does have an infection. She has a urinary tract infection and its strep b which apparently can get in her blood. The blood work they took last night showed it wasn’t in her blood yet and they have started giving her antibiotics so they don’t think it will get into her blood.

Your continued prayers are very appreciated.