5/31/2013 10:45 AM Update

Correction to the BIG NEWS!!

Lyla is still in the NICU, she is just in a different NICU (Childrens Hospital).  She was in the Stahlman NICU, which I think is for there most critical patients, and now she has been moved to the Children’s Hospital NICU.

Sorry for the confusion!

5/31/2013 10:15 AM Update


Lyla has been moved out of the NICU and into the Children’s Hospital!!

We don’t have any details yet really as to why they moved her and what this means, but I can only assume this is great news!

I will update you once we find out more information, but I just wanted to go ahead and let you know so you can celebrate with us!! YAHOO!!

5/30/2013 10:15 PM Update

They said that Lyla has gained 20 grams! Not a ton obviously, but its good news! You can still continue to pray for her to gain weight.

Tonight there were hardly any babies in the NICU room that Lyla is in and it kind of made me jealous. We have seen babies come and go and we still have SEVERAL weeks left of her being in there. It was kind of a gut check for me a little bit. Lyla has been doing great and I have been so encouraged by her progress, but she has only been in there for 2 weeks (today is her 2 week birthday actually!). But we still have AT LEAST 8 weeks or so. That seems so long, so that is something else you can pray for us about, endurance and patience.

Lyla held Grace’s hand tonight:



5/29/2013 10:15 PM Update

Lyla was the same weight again tonight (roughly 2lbs) which is good that she didn’t lose any, but we need her to start gaining weight. Please pray that she would start to beef up!

When we went to see her tonight she just held my hand (well…I guess more accurately, my index finger) for a while, it was awesome!


5/28/2013 9:00 PM Update

She had her PICC line removed!!! I guess she is starting to tolerate her feeds really well so they were comfortable enough to take it out. Praise Jesus!!

Last night her head measured the same as it has been which is great because that at least tells us she isn’t having swelling from more bleeding.

She is still right at 2 pounds so she hasn’t gained any but at least she is maintaining.

She has moved down to 3.0 liters on her oxygen also so they are weening her off and she is doing great!!

Great news all around! I feel like every time we come we get more awesome news! God has blessed us beyond anything we could have ever imagined, and we are so thankful for you guys for continuing to pray for her! You are our heroes!

5/27/2013 12:15 PM Update

Lyla is back up to her birth weight and holding! Right now she is getting 12 mL and is going to 13mL of Grace’s breast milk tonight, great news!

Because she is doing so well on her feeds she could be getting her PICC line out in the next couple of days if she keeps up the good work. My daughter is a champ!

She is up to 37% on O2 but that is because she is getting less air overall (3.5 Liters). As they are trying to ween her off of the air they sometimes have to turn up the oxygen levels to compensate. They said that too much oxygen will hurt the development of her eyes and too little will hurt the development of her brain. So please pray they they find the right amount!

They also said she may have to come home with an oxygen tank, which would not be a huge deal, but obviously we would prefer for her not to have a tank so you can pray for that too!


5/25/2013 11:30 AM Update

Grace and I went in and did Kangaroo Care again this morning.  She is actually opening her eyes some, its awesome to see!  As you are looking through the pictures, just imagine Martina McBride singing “In My Daughter’s Eyes” right behind you.

She has maintained her weight from yesterday and she is doing really well on taking breast milk!  She is taking 7 mL right now and they are increasing it today!  Praise God!



5/23/2013 10:00 PM Update

Lyla gained 30 grams! She is still not back up to her birth wait, but it is still good news.

She didn’t digest much of Grace’s milk at all today, but she is going to have her good days and bad, that’s to be expected.

She is starting to open her eyes more and more, trying at least.

They have stopped putting Aquaphor on her skin so she isn’t as shiny anymore, she looks more normal now.

I had a MUCH better day at work today being away from Grace and Lyla. I have started to get insurance stuff figured out so I think that helps a lot. Thank you for your prayers!

It’s really hard to leave her at night and come back home. I am having a hard time bonding to her I feel like, though it is greatly improving, especially tonight. So you guys can pray for Grace and I to feel close and bonded to her even though we have to leave her all the time.

5/23/2013 8:00 AM Update


Grace and I went to the hospital last night just to see Lyla and they said they had the results from her neurological test, apparently they did do it yesterday.  They said that she was a Level 1! There are 4 levels (1,2,3,4) 4 being the worse case as far as head bleeds and 1 being best case.  Of course she could not have a head bleed and be even better than a level 1, but we will take her being a level 1!  There is a 90% chance that she will not have any impact from this, awesome news!!  There is another test at day 30.  They will look to see if the bleed has progressed, regressed, or remained the same.  They said that either staying the same or regresssing would be good, obviously regressing would be optimum.  Thank you guys for your continued prayer and support!!  We are obviously not out of the woods yet but this is a big step that Grace and I were nervous about.

Also we got to see her eyes! Just barely…but we did none the less so that was really cool.  They said that she seems to be starting to digest Grace’s milk as well.  All great news!!